In 2008, Bakersfield had a really good foursome (Baker, Lerma, Shuford and Garcia) but without a 5th, large field meets were a problem. They went undefeated in duals but without a 5th girl like they had with Sandy Felix (08) they could not defend their title.
Going into the 2009 season, they should have this tight foursome and have quite a few girls who can be their fifth runner and solve their big meet scoring problem. Besides going after SEYL titles, Baker looks to qualify for the state in the super fast division one, where no Kern County team has a shot at qualifying for the most part.
Last year, late season injuries kept two (Lerma and Garcia) of their four runners from competing at the valley meet.
10. 261 BAK/Bakersfield High ( 23:38 1:58:10)
1 25 Sarah Baker So 919 25 20:45
2 41 Emily Shuford So 920 41 21:43
3 62 Sarah Scrivano So 921 62 23:38
4 66 Maddie DeLaHuerta So 924 66 25:56
5 67 Sara Stidham Jr 923 67 26:08
6 ( 68) Donna East Sr 922 68 26:42
Womens 1600 Meter
Rank Mark Name Grade School Section Meet Date
1 5:19.43 Sarah Baker 10 Bakersfield CE Patriot Games 04/24/09
Womens 3200 Meter
Rank Mark Name Grade School Section Meet Date
1 11:55.44 Sarah Baker Bakersfield CE Southeast Yosemite Lg Fi... 05/09/09